
Wednesday 26 October 2022

Amrit Rang Youth Festival 2022 MKBU

Amrit Rang Youth Festival 2022 - Task for the students to write reflective blog

Youth Festival is an amazing opportunity to experience various artistic expression of the young generation. It has almost all sorts of artistic events and hence it becomes 'fair of art' and 'fountain of youthful exuberance'.
Youth Festival shall never be missed out by students of art, literature and literature. It provides rare opportunity to apply literary theories on the artistic expression on the university campus by students of their own age. The critique of the artistic expression of students by students is an ultimate test of Matthew Arnold's 'personal fallacy'.

The following task was given to students to write reflective blog based on below given points to ponder:

All students shall write at least one blog on your observation of various Youth Festival activities. Here are some points to ponder upon:

1. Themes represented in various tableaux of Kala-yatra - 18 Sept 2022 - From Victoria Park Water Tank to Amphi-theater. 4 pm to 6 pm.
2. Major themes in dramatic events like One Act Play (एकांकी), Skit (लघु नाटक), Mime (मूक अभिनय) , Mono-acting (एक पात्रीय अभिनय). (This is very important. Do not miss to watch One Act Play - Atal Auditorium - 20 sept - 8 am to 2 pm)
3. Can you apply dramatic literary theories propounded by Aristotle (Tragedy), Ben Jonson (Comedy of Humours), Dryden (Play), Martin Esslin (Absurd theatre), Irving Wardle (Comedy of Menace) on the dramatic events presented in the Youth Festival?
4. Can you categories One Act Play or other dramatic events as sentimental / anti-sentimental comedy, comedy of manners, classical tragedy, modern tragicomedy or bollywoodish theatre performance?
5. Poetry: In poetry, we have only one event in Youth Festival. સ્વ રચિત કાવ્ય પઠન: If you get chance to listen poems (as it will be in classroom and may be all do not get chance to occupy space) - write on themes, metaphors used in the poems, types of poems (sonnet, lyric etc).
6. On last day, before or after valedictory, all art events like cartooning, painting, collage, poster making, clay-modelling, installation will be open for public display. You can study themes, satire, didacticism, aestheticism in all these artistic expressions.
7. Your experience as participant, if you have participated in any event.
8. If you happen to watch Short Films.... write on the themes and cinematic techniques used by students in the making of the films
9. Lastly, write on which ever other events you attend and along with it, overall feeling of experiencing Youth Festival - ponder upon this - it is known as 'festival of youthfulness' - युवानी का महोत्सव.

In this youth festival, the students of Department of English won positions in several events.