
Saturday 19 January 2008

Virtue Rewarded: India wins Test match against Australia

Virtue Rewarded.
Kudos to Indian Cricket Team for their bounce back ability! Winners are not know from how high they reach in their achievements, but from how high they can bounce back after falling. Indian cricketers have proved their champion’s spirit. After molestation by grave decisions of umpires, vicious victorious celebration of Australians and rueful coverage of Australian media, it required terrible amount of courage and mental strength to bounce back. And see the way Indians have done it! This victory is symbolic of triumph of virtue over vice.
If Sydney was the graveyard of virtue in ‘gentleman’s game’, Perth is the re-birth of virtue. The nemesis has ultimately rewarded with poetic justice. And what a way to give justice! Symonds, who was given several ‘lucky’ benefits of doubts in Sydney, was given LBW even if ball sneaked bat. Again, Australia is devoid of making a history of seventeenth consecutive test victories, both times by India.
Kumble’s cool composure in interviews outwitted Ricky Ponting’s pointless ramblings. Kumble reflected the culture of decorum and majesty which symbolizes Indian culture. Thus, not only on the ground but even off the ground, nemesis favored India to give its virtuous poetic justice. Today, Indians all over the world are proud of Kumble’s and his boys for making tri-colour flag fly high with dignity and self-respect.

Dilip Barad

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