
Monday 7 April 2008

Farewell Speech

The farewell speech delivered on 5th April 2008 at Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.(Gujarat – India)

Mr. and Mrs. Rameshbhai Mehta- retired Judge, Respected Prof . Purnimaben V. Mehta-Head of the Department, alumni Hetal Mehta and Chetan Trivedi and dear friends,

Before I give my vote of thanks to the chief guest of today’s programme, I would like to share a few ideas with the students who are leaving this department.
Dear Friends, most of you are going to make your career in the field of teaching. You would be teachers in schools, colleges and universities. Please remember, somebody is always watching you, and learning from you – not from your words but from your actions. As a child watches its parents and learns from them – not form their words but form their actions, similarly students watch their teachers and learn from them – not form their words but from their actions. So, friends, don’t forget to build your character along with your career.

Your exams will begin on 5th May, 2008. In these last 30 days of ordeal, you may face innumerable tribulations, trauma and troubles. But remember, it is when things get worst that one must not quit. Quitters are never Winners, and Winners never quit. Remember the lines written on the wall of NDA – Dehradun: “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”

On this day, I remember lines quoted by Shiv Khera in You Can Win:
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger ad faster man,
But sooner or later the ma who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Always think that you are Born to Win.

Coming back to the onus of giving vote of thanks, Sir (Mr.Mehta), this is one of the most memorable days for our students. We are grateful that you have spared some valuable moments with us. On behalf of, Bhavnagar University, Department of English and all the students & staff, I am heartily thankful to you for gracing this occasion with your esteemed presence.

Thank you, one and all.

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