
Sunday 26 February 2017

TechnoTeachers are Entrepreneurs

The job of the teachers who try to integrate technology keeping pedagogical implications in mind is no less than entrepreneurs.
Their road is equally rocky filled with land mines.
This pilgrim's journey also passes through Slough of Despond, Hill Difficulty, Valley of Humiliation, Valley of the Shadow of Death, Doubting Castle, and the River of Death.
Such teachers have to fight to defeat teachers like Giant Despair, Giant Diffidence, Lord Hate-Good; and sometimes fight to win on their side people like , Obstinate, Mrs. Know-Nothing, Mrs. Bat's-Eye, Giant Maul, Mr. Fearing, Giant Slay-Good, Mr. Feeble-Mind and Mr. Ready-to-Halt.
TechnoTeachers, not only not only have to be self-motivated, but keep motivation level of most of other teachers, who are taking initial steps in using technology, high, hale and hearty.

As mentioned in this infographic, integrating technology is no less than entrepreneurship for teachers. Except for #2 , all these are golden rules for teachers who are willing to integrate technology. In #4, read *Students* instead of *investors*. #5 & #6 are imp. Keep sharing your innovative teaching practices on social media n do not get distracted by negative comments of people with crab mentality.

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