
Thursday 9 March 2023

Tools in the Tool-kit of 21st Century Teacher | UGC - HRDC | Mumbai University

The University of Mumbai's HRDC department of English is pleased to welcome Dr. Dilip Barad, an accomplished academician and talented communication expert from Bhavnagar. This is not the first time that Dr. Barad has graced the classrooms of Mumbai University as a guest speaker, and the department is thrilled to have him back.

Dr. Barad has made a name for himself as a teacher who has embraced digital technology to enhance the learning experience for his students. He has been a vibrant presence in the academic world in his home state of Gujarat and has been instrumental in the development of digital communication tools and teaching techniques. With over two decades of teaching experience, Dr. Barad has taught students from a variety of disciplines including literature, management, social sciences, science, and commerce. In addition to his teaching experience, Dr. Barad has also been involved in several UGC research projects, including the development of e-content for the government. He has been a shining example of innovation and creativity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when he trained teachers on how to use digital tools to reach their students. Today, Dr. Barad will be speaking about the topic of "Teaching in Contemporary Times," connecting it to the overall theme of the refresher course on contemporary literature and reading. He will be discussing the impact of the digital age and the information society on the way information is shared, preserved, and passed down to future generations. He will also touch upon the concepts of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, and how they are interrelated.
The department is honored to have Dr. Dilip Barad as its guest speaker and looks forward to learning from him once again. 

Summary of the session:

The video titled "Tools in the Tool-kit of 21st Century Teacher" was recorded during a refresher course on contemporary literature and its teaching, organized by HRDC University of Mumbai UGC Department of English. The speaker, Dr. Dilip Barad, is introduced as a communication expert and a vibrant presence in Gujarat's academic community. He has taught various courses ranging from literature to management, social sciences, science, and commerce, and has worked on numerous projects, including developing e-content for the government.

Dr. Barad's session focused on teaching in contemporary times, which involves digital culture and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution. He mentions how digital tools have transformed the way we share and preserve information, from oral tradition to printing and now to digital means. He highlights the importance of distinguishing between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, and the role of teachers in helping students process information to gain knowledge and eventually apply it as wisdom in real-life situations.

Dr. Barad emphasizes the need for teachers to adapt to the changing times and integrate technology into their teaching methodology to keep up with students' digital fluency. He shares several tools that teachers can use to enhance their teaching, including Learning Management Systems (LMS), Google Classroom, blogs, podcasts, social media, and online quizzes. He highlights the benefits of using these tools, such as increased student engagement, personalized learning, real-time feedback, and easy tracking of student progress.

In conclusion, Dr. Barad encourages teachers to embrace technology as a tool to enhance their teaching and engage with students better. He emphasizes the need for teachers to continually learn and upgrade their skills to stay relevant in the ever-changing digital world.

Video Recording

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