
Saturday 31 August 2024

Reimagining Resistance: The Appropriation of Tribal Heroes in Rajamouli's RRR

Reimagining Resistance: The Appropriation of Tribal Heroes in Rajamouli's RRR

This pre-print explores the reimagining of tribal heroes Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem in S.S. Rajamouli's film RRR. The film appropriates these historical figures, known for their resistance against local forms of oppression, and reframes them as nationalistic symbols in the fight against British colonialism. While RRR succeeds in creating a compelling narrative of unity and resistance, it overlooks the specific struggles for land, water, and forest rights that defined Raju’s and Bheem’s legacies. By focusing on a broader nationalist agenda, the film misses the opportunity to address contemporary issues of displacement and environmental degradation that continue to affect indigenous communities in India. This analysis critiques the film's narrative choices, arguing that they dilute the historical significance of these figures and their relevance to ongoing movements for environmental justice and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Keywords: RRR, tribal resistance, displacement, environment, jal, jungle, jameen

The appropriation of Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem in S.S. Rajamouli's RRR raises critical questions about the role of popular cinema in representing historical figures and their struggles. Both Raju and Bheem are remembered for their resistance against oppressive regimes—Raju for his opposition to the British following the 1882 Madras Forest Act, which curtailed the rights of Adivasis to their traditional forest habitats, and Bheem for his struggle against the Nizam of Hyderabad, encapsulated in the slogan "Jal, Jangal, Zameen" (Water, Forest, Land). Rajamouli’s film, however, reimagines these figures as united freedom fighters against the British Raj, shifting the focus from their specific, localized battles to a broader nationalist narrative. While this makes for a compelling epic, it also glosses over the urgent contemporary issues of climate change and displacement that continue to affect tribal communities in India.

At the heart of both Raju's and Bheem's historical struggles were the rights to land, water, and forests—resources that are still under threat today due to industrialization, deforestation, and the expansion of corporate interests. The displacement of indigenous people from their ancestral lands has not only disrupted their way of life but also contributed significantly to environmental degradation. In this context, Rajamouli’s choice to focus on the fight against the British Raj rather than the ongoing struggles for environmental justice represents a missed opportunity to address these critical issues.

Displacement: A Broader Perspective

Displacement is often understood simply as the movement of people from one place to another, but as writer Annie Zaidi poignantly describes in Known Turf, it is a much more profound and devastating experience. Zaidi writes, "Displacement… is a very inadequate word that conveys nothing of its true meaning. Displacement is not about moving…(It) is about losing a river. Losing access to clean, safe, drinking water…losing land that is watered richly…losing the grass that your herds grazed on. Losing your cattle. Losing the milk that came from your cattle…losing honey and herbs…losing the right to protest when somebody in a uniform shows up to set fire to your home. What else was left to lose?"

Zaidi’s description underscores the deep loss and disconnection that come with displacement, particularly for indigenous communities. It’s not merely about physical relocation but about the loss of a way of life, of cultural and spiritual connections to the land, and of the basic resources needed for survival. This is the kind of displacement that Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem fought against, and it’s a displacement that continues to this day, as corporate interests encroach upon the forests and rivers that sustain tribal communities.

Climate Change and Environmental Justice

The connection between displacement and climate change is also critical. Indigenous communities, who have traditionally lived in harmony with their natural environments, are often the first to feel the impacts of environmental degradation. As forests are cleared for development, not only do these communities lose their homes and livelihoods, but the destruction of these ecosystems also accelerates climate change. Deforestation contributes to the increase in greenhouse gases, disrupts local climates, and reduces biodiversity—all of which have far-reaching consequences for the planet.

Rajamouli’s decision to frame RRR as a nationalist epic, focusing on the fight against the British Raj, sidesteps these urgent environmental issues. By doing so, the film misses an opportunity to connect the historical struggles of Raju and Bheem to contemporary movements for environmental justice. A film that recontextualized their resistance as a fight for the preservation of land, water, and forests—resources that are crucial not only for the survival of indigenous communities but for the health of the planet—could have had a significant impact on raising awareness about climate change. . . . 

If you're intrigued by how S.S. Rajamouli's RRR reimagines the legacy of tribal heroes Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem, and how this cinematic reinterpretation intersects with contemporary issues of nationalism, displacement, and environmental justice, you’ll find the full analysis here. Read the full article.

Monday 26 August 2024

Rambo and Bond in America's Geopolitical Narrative generated image

Heroes or Hegemons? The Celluloid Empire of Rambo and Bond in America's Geopolitical Narrative

The Rambo and James Bond film franchises have often acted as powerful vehicles for promoting American geopolitical perspectives, especially during the Cold War and the subsequent era of globalization. Through these films, Hollywood has wielded significant soft power, shaping global perceptions of American values, ideology, and military might in ways that align with broader U.S. foreign policy objectives.

Rambo Franchise: From Vietnam to Afghanistan

  • Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) and Rambo III (1988) are the most explicit in advancing an American geopolitical narrative. 
    • Rambo: First Blood Part II revisits the Vietnam War, portraying the United States as seeking redemption for its past humiliation, with the Vietnamese depicted as villains. The film suggests that American soldiers were betrayed by their own government but remained heroic, ultimately triumphing over communism.
    • Rambo III shifts the setting to Afghanistan, where John Rambo aids the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union. This narrative aligns closely with U.S. support for Afghan rebels during the Soviet-Afghan War, presenting the conflict as a moral crusade against communism and promoting the idea of America as a global liberator.
Rambo in Afghanistan

James Bond Franchise: Western Interests and Global Narratives

  • Although James Bond is a British creation, the series often aligns with broader Western geopolitical interests, particularly during the Cold War.
    • The Living Daylights (1987) features Bond assisting Afghan rebels, echoing the narrative of Rambo III. This alignment with Western support for the Mujahideen positions Bond as a defender of Western interests against Soviet expansion.
    • Licence to Kill (1989), while less overtly political, addresses Western concerns about drug cartels, indirectly supporting U.S. policies in the War on Drugs.
    • Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) explores themes of media manipulation and control of information, reflecting U.S. concerns about maintaining narrative dominance in the post-Cold War world.

Soft Power and the U.S. as an Empire

These films served as tools of soft power in several key ways:

  1. Projecting Ideology: Both franchises reinforced the narrative of the United States (and the broader West) as defenders of freedom, democracy, and human rights, often positioning American (or allied) characters as the moral center of the story.
  2. Cultural Hegemony: Through widespread global distribution, these films normalized American values and geopolitical perspectives, subtly influencing audiences worldwide and perpetuating a pro-Western worldview.
  3. Economic Influence: The commercial success of these franchises showcased the appeal of American cultural products, helping to maintain U.S. dominance in global entertainment markets and reinforcing the economic aspect of American hegemony.
  4. Global Perception: By depicting U.S. military and intelligence agencies as supremely competent and just, these films enhanced the perception of American power and legitimacy on the global stage.

In the era of globalization, the Rambo and James Bond franchises contributed significantly to the narrative of the United States as a benevolent global superpower, using entertainment to subtly align global audiences with American interests and worldview. Whether perceived as heroes or hegemons, these iconic characters and their stories have played a crucial role in crafting America's celluloid empire, influencing how the world sees U.S. power and purpose.

In this context, the legacy of franchises like Rambo and James Bond illustrates how Hollywood has historically positioned the United States as a benevolent global superpower, subtly aligning audiences with American interests and worldview. This mastery of soft power is precisely what Palki Sharma in the Gravitas Plus video highlights, as she calls for Bollywood to similarly project India's narrative on the global stage. However, while this suggestion acknowledges the effectiveness of Hollywood's strategies, it also raises a critical question: should other film industries, like Bollywood, simply replicate this hegemonic approach?

Palki Sharma in this Gravitas Plus: video discusses how America effectively uses Hollywood as a tool of soft power to shape global perceptions and spread the "American Dream." The speaker, Palki Sharma, argues that India should leverage Bollywood similarly to project India's narrative and enhance its soft power. However, her critique focuses on an essential point that is often overlooked in such discussions: the dangers of mimicking hegemonic practices without critical reflection.

Her arguments suggest that while Hollywood’s influence is undeniable, its approach—often portraying America as the global hero—can reinforce a hegemonic narrative that marginalizes other perspectives. Encouraging Bollywood or any other film industry to adopt a similar approach risks perpetuating these hegemonic dynamics rather than challenging them.

Instead of pushing for Bollywood to replicate Hollywood's methods, the focus should be on critiquing and deconstructing these dominant narratives. Bollywood and other film industries have the potential to offer alternative perspectives, tell stories that challenge existing power structures, and provide a platform for voices that are often silenced or ignored in mainstream global cinema.

By critiquing and resisting hegemonic narratives, rather than mimicking them, film industries like Bollywood can play a significant role in fostering a more diverse and inclusive global discourse. This approach aligns with the idea that storytelling should not only reflect cultural identities but also question and challenge the status quo, offering new ways of seeing and understanding the world.

Monday 19 August 2024

Paris Olympics 2024


Introductory Note of Acknowledgment

The inspiration for this blog post comes from the insightful presentations by the students of the Department of English during our daily assembly. Their thoughtful exploration of the Paris Olympics 2024, covering its historical significance, political controversies, and modern-day challenges, sparked a deeper reflection on this global event. I am grateful for their hard work and dedication, which laid the foundation for this detailed examination of the Olympics.

Introduction to the Paris Olympics 2024

The Paris Olympics 2024 is not just an international sports event but a celebration of history, culture, and unity. As the world gathers in the City of Light for this prestigious event, it is important to reflect on the rich history of the Olympics, the evolution of the Games, and the various controversies and highlights that have shaped this global phenomenon.

1. The History of the Olympics

The origins of the Olympic Games trace back to ancient Greece, where they began as a series of religious and athletic festivals held in honor of Zeus, the king of the gods. These games were central to Greek culture and served as a platform for demonstrating physical prowess and spiritual devotion. However, with the rise of Christianity and the conversion of the Roman Empire, these pagan rituals came under scrutiny.

In 393 AD, Emperor Theodosius I, a Christian ruler, decreed the cessation of all pagan festivals, including the Olympic Games. This marked the end of the ancient Olympics, which would remain dormant for over a millennium.

The modern revival of the Olympics began in 1896, thanks to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who sought to promote peace and unity through sports. However, the Games have not been immune to the challenges of modern times. They were canceled during World War I (1916) and World War II (1940, 1944) due to the global conflicts that made it impossible to hold international events.

2. The Olympics and Politics

The intersection of sports and politics has been a recurring theme in Olympic history. One of the most notable instances was during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, hosted by Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler used the Games as a platform for Nazi propaganda, showcasing the supposed superiority of the Aryan race. However, the victory of African-American athlete Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals, dealt a significant blow to Hitler's racist ideology.

Another political controversy occurred during the 1980 Moscow Olympics, which were marred by the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. In response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the United States led a boycott of the Games, joined by over 60 other countries. This boycott significantly impacted the prestige of the Moscow Olympics, as many top athletes were absent.

In 1972, the Munich Olympics were overshadowed by the Palestinian terror attack on the Israeli team. Eleven Israeli athletes and coaches were taken hostage and eventually killed by the militant group Black September. This tragic event highlighted the vulnerability of the Olympics to political violence and led to increased security measures in subsequent Games.

3. The Motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius

The watchwords of the Olympics, "Citius, Altius, Fortius," are Latin for "Faster, Higher, Stronger." These words encapsulate the spirit of the Games, emphasizing the relentless pursuit of excellence in athletic performance. The motto was coined by Pierre de Coubertin and has been an enduring symbol of the Olympic movement, inspiring athletes to push the limits of human potential.

4. The Logo of Paris Olympics 2024

The logo of the Paris Olympics 2024 is rich in symbolism, capturing the essence of French identity and Olympic values. The logo features the face of Marianne, the personification of the French Republic, known for representing liberty, equality, and fraternity. Marianne’s face is framed by a gold medal, which symbolizes the ultimate achievement in the Olympic Games.

Additionally, the logo incorporates the Olympic flame, a universal symbol of the Games, representing the light of knowledge, life, and the pursuit of excellence. The flame is also a nod to the ancient Olympic Games, where a fire was kept burning throughout the competition as a tribute to Zeus.

5. Controversies Surrounding Paris Olympics 2024

While the Olympics are a celebration of sportsmanship and unity, they are not without controversy. The Paris Olympics 2024 has faced several contentious issues:

  • "The Last Supper" Controversy: There were comparisons made between the Olympic celebrations and the Greek Bacchanalian feasts dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine. Some Christian groups expressed discontent, arguing that the Olympics were reminiscent of pagan rituals and called for a boycott of the Games.

  • Displacement of the Homeless: In preparation for the Games, there have been reports of the displacement of homeless people from Paris. The city’s efforts to clean up and present a pristine image for the international audience have led to criticisms regarding the treatment of vulnerable populations.

  • Impurity of Water in the Seine: The quality of water in the River Seine has also come under scrutiny. Environmental concerns have been raised about the pollution levels in the river, which is set to host some of the aquatic events. This has sparked debates about the environmental impact of the Games and the responsibilities of the organizers.

  • Gender Controversy: Imen Khelif: Imen Khelif, a female boxer from Algeria who won a gold medal, became the center of controversy regarding her gender. Speculations and discussions about her eligibility dominated headlines, overshadowing her athletic achievement.

  • Vinesh Phogat’s Near-Miss: Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat missed out on a medal due to being overweight by just 100 grams. Despite this setback, she received a hero’s welcome upon her return to India, not just for her performance but also for her defiance against those in power, making her a symbol of resistance and resilience.

6. India’s Performance at the Paris Olympics 2024

India’s performance at the Paris Olympics 2024 was disappointing, with the country finishing in its historical position of 71st in the medal tally. This was a significant step back from the progress seen in previous Games. The reasons for this decline are multifaceted, including challenges in sports infrastructure, lack of adequate support for athletes, and issues related to the administration of sports in the country.

7. Leaders of the Games: The US and China

As has been the trend in recent years, the United States and China emerged as the dominant forces in the Paris Olympics 2024, each securing 40 gold medals. Their success is a testament to the extensive investment in sports development, training, and facilities in both countries. The intense rivalry between the two nations continues to drive their athletes to new heights, making them perennial leaders in the Olympic Games.


The Paris Olympics 2024 will be remembered not just for the athletic achievements but also for the complex interplay of history, politics, and controversies that shaped the event. As the world looks forward to future Games, the lessons from Paris 2024 will undoubtedly influence how the Olympics evolve, ensuring that they remain a platform for celebrating the best of human spirit and endeavor.

Concluding Footnote

This blog post was further developed and expanded with the assistance of ChatGPT, an AI tool that provided detailed content and helped shape the final narrative. The collaboration between student creativity and AI technology has enriched the discussion, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the Paris Olympics 2024.