Showing posts with label stylometry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stylometry. Show all posts

Sunday 29 July 2018

William Shakespeare: Cracking the Code

The quality and quantity of William Shakespeare's plays and sonnets keep on surprising n shocking people. All readers of literature are awestruck at the literary creation by the one who knew nothing about Greek and Latin, and was by and large uneducated.

The skepticism gives birth to alternative theories n histories.

Emmerich's Earl - Edward de Vere - and William Shakespeare

Roland Emmerich's Anonymous (movie) imagines that it was Edward de Vere , Earl of Oxford who wrote the plays.
Watch this video to see on why Roland Emmerich believed that the identity of Will Shakespeare is a fraud:

Cracking The Shakespeare Code

Here is yet another thought provoking documentary  by Petter Amundsen and historian Dr. Robert Crumpton which tries to prove that Francis Bacon was the original writer.
The 'process' of their research is very interesting. Don't just look at the 'product' (end result). Carefully observe the 'process'. Even if we do not agree with the conclusion, the process of research is noteworthy.

Part 1:

Part 2

Part 3

Did Shakespeare write his plays?

Like Emmerich and Petter, many people question whether Shakespeare really wrote the works that bear his name – or whether he even existed at all. Could it be true that the greatest writer in the English language was as fictional as his plays? Natalya St. Clair and Aaron Williams show how a linguistic tool called stylometry might shed light on the answer. Lesson by Natalya St. Clair and Aaron Williams, animation by Pink Kong Studios.