Showing posts with label dilipbarad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dilipbarad. Show all posts

Sunday 10 May 2020

World After Covid-19

World After Covid-19: Multidisciplinary Ideas

Vedant International Multidisciplinary Multilingual Online Conference on

World After Covid-19: Multidisciplinary Ideas, Designs and Systems

The presentation (video + ppt) uploaded here was presented in this online conference - 10 May 2020

The Presentation & Live Streamed Video

The Video Recording of the Live Streamed Session on YouTube


Photographs of the setup used for recording video for this session during the COVID-19 nationwide lockdown [Phase 3: 4 May 2020 – 17 May 2020 (14 days)]

The Session was Live Streamed on Facebook

Friday 31 May 2013

The Language Laboratory Software

The language lab has seen ups and downs in the history of its evolution. Ths 60s and 70s witnessed up-rise and sudden decline in its usages.
Digital Education Learning Laboratory, Dept. of English, M.K. Bhavnagar University
To read more on the history of language lab, please click below given links:
Now, as we take second stride in the 21st century, we observe that language labs are again in demand. Technology is bringing in innovative changes in language labs and thus (it seems for the time being) languages labs are getting equipped with software which can beat all those reasons which ones failed language labs. Though it will be too early to say that language labs with new software are the 'in thing' and has no problem. It has its own problems of software and hardware. It seems we will have to wait for the dust to settle down and hold our horses for a few more years before pronouncing final verdict.

Here is embedded an interesting presentation by Dr. Kalyan Chattopadhyay and Prof. Dilip Barad on 'How to setup Digital Language Labs as Self Access Centres.

Here is the list of websites of those companies which provide state-of-the-art software for digital language lab (language lab with PCs connected in LAN): (the list will be updated):
  1. : 
Orell – Multimedia Language Lab System is developed by one of the top Indian IT solution providers open to domestic as well as international markets. Orell has Marketing and technical support centres in Cochin, Bangalore, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai. (Having technical support is very essential for language labs)

ODLL (Orell Digital Language Lab) is a world class language laboratory software that is a seamless integration of state-of-the-art information technology techniques with proven language teaching methodologies and power-packed with an array of comprehensive study materials.

Since 1962 Young India Films has been at the forefront of introducing new technology in India, particularly in the education sector. The company was founded to distribute movies for Columbia Pictures, and moved swiftly into education. They were the first to equip schools with overhead projectors, LCD panels and, later, LCD projectors. When language labs first became available, Young India Films introduced them to schools and colleges across India. They now provide the most technologically advanced online language teaching resources on the market.

Clarity English Language Lab is a network based teaching software designed to improve teaching environment in the computer labs. Clarity English Language Lab enables a teacher to remotely control, monitor, broadcast, and assist students in teacher PC directly. With powerful functions and friendly user interface, Clarity English Language Lab not only facilitates the teaching process but also brings fun and efficiency to learning. It has been greatly used in Schools, Colleges, Universities.

Logiciel Software Tech Pvt Ltd is an emerging Software Development Company who are focused in the sector of educational software. Founded in the year 2004 by a group of three enthusiastic IT professionals, the innovative software development company Lelogiciel™ is focused on the dynamic growth markets. The company's comprehensive product line ranges from Digital language Lab,career Lab, Aptitude Lab, English Language lab,Content management system, Library management, Campus management, Online examination and e-learning services.
Head quartered in Kochi, India, Lelogiciel™ team is passionate about graphics and e-learning methodologies. Their prime product ‘Digital Language lab’ is designed to assist students for imparting skills in spoken English.

Multimedia Language Lab (MLL) Software is a state-of-the-art learning tool pioneered by MLL that enable students to master any language flawlessly and effortlessly. This 100 percent digitized tool enables linguists to maintain constant two-way communication with every student independently and offer precise guidance during sessions even in large classrooms through networked computers from the confines of the instructor's console.
It is a boon for students as it imparts crisp skill sets in learning the nuances of a foreign language accurately with zero distortion. This full-service computerized learning tool is not only cost-effective eliminating the need for cumbersome tape recorders and amplifiers but is also a true value-addition to any language learning facility.

The 21st century has witnessed a revolution in the use of Mobile phones, Emails and Internet. It has ushered in a new world where communication has become language plus soft skills. In modern times the personality of a job seeker is not merely by virtue of his IQ. It is done on the basis of his EQ too. That is, the learner should be equipped to understand the subtle, emotional an cultural nuances and react appropriately. Here lies the importance of acquiring proper communication skills. Smart Lab - Language Lab Software System is a technically savvy Language Lab to hone the communicative competence. Smart Lab - Digital Language Lab is a teaching, learning software. Smart Lab make use of intelligible English that both the native and non - natives speakers of English can apprehend quite easily.

They call themselves the pioneers and the leaders in Fully Computerised Digital Language Lab. ETNL has
designed copyright protected ETNL Language Lab in the year 2001-2002 and successfully implemented at St. Teresa's College. Now They have got Eight academic years experience in technology based English Language Teaching.

LearnSOFT language lab is an instructional technology tool consisting of a source unit that can disseminate audio, audio/visual, and/or written materials to students at individual seats, with a wide variety of potential feedback mechanisms to the Student, Teacher or group of Students in the network. Teacher is the Core part of the LearnSOFT Language Lab. All features are available in Teacher Console.

LearnSOFT Learning Solutions is a technological breakthrough by Logiciel Software Tech Private Limited for imparting high standards in teaching and learning with aid of ICT ("Information and Communications Technology"). The language lab teacher is provided with content matching world class standards developed by specialists.

Globarena started with the aim of providing Quality Learning Solutions by using state of the art technology, and has created a niche for itself. Whether you are a corporate seeking to improve your employee performance or an educational institution planning to help students to succeed in their careers, their products can make a positive impact to your learning needs in many ways.

(Please note that I do not recommend these software for language lab. I use Globarena Language Lab and Career Lab at our institute. I found it good for elementary level learning English language and soft skills through technology. But for intermediate and higher level of learners, the software requires updation. I have seen demo of Orell and Clarity. They also seemed to be good option for lab. I would suggest to contact sales manager and ask for demo before finalising any of the above software. If the software allows freedom of adding and editing course content, I would firmly recommend to go for it.)
Dilip Barad - DELL, HMP Institute

Friday 4 January 2013

M.A. English Study Material (Reading Resources) for the Students of External Departmenrt, M. K. Bhavnagar University

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Dear Friends,

ALERT!There is some technical issues of the website so it is non-functional as of now. We will fix it very soon. Till then, we request you to follow this EVENT page on Facebook to get updates on study material >

or  Click here to access study material.

You can download previous exam question papers and question banks. The reading resources of all papers will be uploaded very soon.
Thank you. 

Please visit to download study  material / reading resources for M.A. English programme, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar - Gujarat (India).

You will find syllabus and study material with original texts, links of web resources, research articles etc on course content of Semester 1 and 2 OR Part 1. Click on this link to view the webpage.

Click on the titles of the courses offered under this programme to view specific webpage with study material only on that course. Thereafter, click on the image of the text/unit to visit sub webpage with study material:

All these links may not work. Click here to access study material
(Click here to practice online Quizzes)

All these links may not work. Click here to access study material.

You will find syllabus and study material with original texts, links of web resources, research articles etc on course content of Semester 3 and 4 OR Part 2. Click on this link to view the webpage.

Click on the titles of the courses offered under this programme to view specific webpage with study material only on that course. Thereafter, click on the image of the text/unit to visit sub webpage with study material:

Saturday 9 August 2008

Spellings in English Language: To Spell or Not to Spell Correctly.

Spellings in English Language: To Spell or Not to Spell Correctly

- Dilip Barad 

(This was published in IATEFL newsletter VOICES. University of Kent, UK. September-October 2009. 210. ISSN: 1814-3830)

How to cite this article:

Barad, D. P. (2009). Spellings in English Language: To Spell or Not to Spell Correctly. (A. Schwetlick, Ed.) VOICES (210), 11.
Barad, D. P. "Spellings in English Language: To Spell or Not to Spell Correctly." VOICES 210 (2009): 11.

Language grows. It has accreting quality. It flows like river. It goes on changing its shape and flow in harmony with its levee. Change is the only permanent feature of language. Language which does not change with flux of time, gives up the ghost.
The Spelling is one of the vital components of a language. From time and again, like language, spellings of the language also undergo a change. From Geoffrey Chaucer – the father of English language – down the line, if you read writings of Shakespeare, Edmund Spencer, Milton, Dryden or any of the 18th, 19th century English literary hulks, you will find how modern English spellings were ‘misspelled’ by these great man of English letters.

If the history of English language tells us that language and its spellings can’t be static; it must constantly evolve to keep up with changing times and remain relevant; then why should Pundits of the language cling steadfastly to the correctness of spelling?
Ken Smith (Rebecca Atwood 2008, BBC 2008), lecturer at the Bucks New University in Britain has added fuel to the debate over ‘to spell or not to spell correctly’. “Don't let students' howlers drive you mad, says Ken Smith. Accept their most common mistakes as variant spellings ... and relax.” He further argues that “…instead of complaining about the state of the education system as we correct the same mistakes year after year, I've got a better idea. University teachers should simply accept as variant spelling those words our students most commonly misspell”. Several of British English spellings are already accepted as American variants and people have easily assimilated them in their daily usage. Thanks to Bill Gates and MS Office. ‘U’ is omitted from ‘colour’, ‘favour’, ‘endeavour’ etc. This software programme has changed ‘programme’ to ‘program’, ‘judgement’ to ‘judgment’. Ken Smith asks, “The spelling of the word "judgement", for example, is now widely accepted as a variant of "judgment", so why can't "truely" be accepted as a variant spelling of "truly"?” To begin with, he listed top 10 spellings of simple words which are commonly misspelled by the students.
Of course, such proposals have been made in the past. The dawn of SMS-text messaging turned many students into spelling Neanderthals as phrases such as "wot r u doin 2nite?" became socially, if not academically, acceptable.
Despite Smith's suggestion, language pundits are unconvinced. John Simpson  (Luke Baker 2008), the chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, says rules are rules and they are there for good reason. "There are enormous advantages in having a coherent system of spelling," he told the Times newspaper. He added, "It makes it easier to communicate. Maybe during a learning phase there is some scope for error, but I would hope that by the time people get to university they have learnt to spell correctly."
But still the point is: Is it really necessary to spell correctly to fulfill basic function of language – which is to ‘communicate’? If we can communicate without correct spellings, is it essential to learn how to spell correctly? If you have a million dolor (check meaning of this word) doubt regarding how to communicate without spelling correctly, read following paragraph (I originally saw this a few years ago as blog entries by Mark and Angel 2006):

Cna yuo raed tihs?  Suteids sohw taht olny aoubt 55 prcenet of plepoe can (atculley trheer is no scuh sudty).  I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.  Tihs sohws us the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid.  Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are in, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae.  The rset of the txet can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.  Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but isntaed raeds the wrod as a wlohe.  Azanmig huh?  Yaeh and we awlyas tghuhot slpelnig was ipmorantt!
Yet even some of Britain's greatest wordsmiths have acknowledged it's a language with irritating quirkiness. Playwright George Bernard Shaw was fond of pointing out that the word "ghoti" could just as well be pronounced "fish" if you followed common pronunciation: 'gh' as in "tough," 'o' as in "women" and 'ti' as in "nation."
Isn’t Ken Smith’s idea worth accepting? Isn’t it the time to adopt humanistic approach and free student from the atrocities of spellings? Technology has changed the way we live and think. It has initiated change in the way we spell our spellings. Isn’t it a good idea to simplify obsolete and confusing spellings? Isn’t it an idea whose time has come?


Bad spelling 'should be accepted' . BBC News Online. 7 Aug 2008. n.pag. web. 4 July 2009. <>
Attwood, Rebecca. “Just spell it like it is”. 2007 TSL Education Ltd. 7 Aug 2008. n.pag. web. 4 July 2008. <>

Baker, Luke. “Spelling "truely atrosious," says academic”. Thomson Reuters 2009. 7 Aug. 2008. n.pag. web. 4 July. 2009. <>

Mark and Angel. “Can you read this?” 2006-2009 Marc and Angel Hack Life. 20 Nov. 2006. n.pag. web. 5 July. 2009. <>


Images of the cover page and write up:

IATEFL - VOICES front page

Write-up in VOICES-210


Response to this write up:

In the next issue of Voices, Jean Stocker questioned this:

This was my reply:
Dear Jean Stocker,
In reply to my write up "To Spell or Not to Spell Correctly" published in IATEFL newsletter VOICES. University of Kent, UK. September-October 2009, you asked following question n Voices Issue 211, Nov-Dec 2009.
The question was: "I would like to ask Dr Barad if he considers it acceptable to misspelt words in his own language, or, in fact, in any language?

First of all, i am sorry for this delay in reply. Today suddenly i found this issue and read the question and remembered that i have yet not replied.

Well, i have seen that spellings in my language ( that is Gujarati, spoken in Western state Gujarat of India) are quite often misspelt. In journalistic writings, no body cares for correctness of spellings. The functional and communicative aspect has become more important in spellings. So, by and large, people of my language have accepted several variants of spellings.
I have seen that, on social media, people do communicate without being careful about spellings. The auto-spell checkers in mobile phones changes spellings and people realize (see this 'Gmail', forcing me to write realize instead of realise. What can we do? :) ) the error after it is sent. Most are developing habit of proof reading after sending or when they receive reply. But the surprising fact is that they are able to communicate and so nobody cares about spellings.
What do you say about spellings in your language?

I would like to request scholars and researchers of Gujarati language to throw some more light on spellings in Gujarati.