Showing posts with label mkbu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mkbu. Show all posts

Saturday 9 April 2022

Memorabilia 2022

Memorabilia 2022 

Click here to download or view Memorabilia 2022

The Memorabilia 2022 released by Dr. Kaushik Bhatt and Prof. Dilip Barad

Video recording of the Annual Function - 9 April 2022

Video recording of the Farewell Function - 9 April 2022

From the Desk of the Head of the Department . . .

This passing out batch, i.e., 2020-22 will go in the annals as ‘the Corona Batch’. Among several disruptions #Covid19 pandemic brought in, the disruption to education system is of a curious kind. On one hand it gave ample opportunities to explore new dimensions in online pedagogy, while on the other hand it made us realize several vital pedagogical issues, which were, hitherto, taken as granted.

The benefits of teaching this batch were innumerable. Right from the beginning, it was challenging to build a rapport with students as students have never visited department or teachers, personally. To bridge this gap, we tried our best to make teaching as interesting and engaging as possible. And hence, we have to ‘revisit & relearn’ pedagogy of teaching in online remote mode. We also have to try our hands at new technologies like OBS, Live Streaming, Video Recording, Learning Glass, Video Conferencing etc. It was not only to use these technologies but also to make it effective and engaging for learners. Going down the memory lane of screenshots taken during first week of teaching this batch was a good memory to see how it all began. The Google Class & the Group were introduced in live video conferencing session – and OBS was used to make it engaging. The learning glass was also used to see that the teaching does not become dull and boring. The first two pictures in the below given collage-pyramid are telling this story. However, the story of disruption does not end here. The other side of the story, the students’ side, had also been of great learning importance.

The students story told from the perspective of teacher has a few significant aspects. The teacher expects curiosity in the eyes of the students. This curiosity is what is driving force for the teacher. Well, in this remote emergency, if there is one very challenging thing, it was to feel the curiosity in the eyes of the students. As most of the students keep their camera’s off, it was not possible to see even normal gestures, forget the curiosity in the eyes. Somehow, it was very difficult to make it understand students that keeping camera on while attending the sessions is necessary. A few students were able to understand this. These students were like oasis in the desert. These students who kept their cameras own while attending the online sessions were such a great relief in the troubling and chaotic situation. Among the few students who understood this, three students deserve special mention. Daya, Nidhi and Riddhi – they were the most consistent in regularly attending the sessions with camera on. We, the teachers, expect to have similar students, in troubling times, wherein one can experience if the attempts made for engaging the learners are materializing or not. The bottom picture of the screenshot-pyramid (given above) is the evidence of this. Such a participation by students in remote teaching is very crucial.

The number of students in this Corona Batch was also considerably low than normal class strength. That was like a double whammy. One, virtual existence of all of us and on it, low number. Some may say it is good. Easy to manage! Well, yes, that’s true but we wanted to do lots of activities. Without good number of participations from equally good number of students, it is difficult to carry on the show. We believe, education is not only completing syllabus and the routine academic rigor. It is all about participating in co-curricular, extra-curricular activities like reading papers in seminars, publishing research papers, participating in cultural and sports events. It is not to say that there was complete stand-still to all these activities. However, it reduced drastically in this passing out batch 2020-22. Even with all these limitations of second wave of corona pandemic and lockdowns of academic institutes and activities not happening as such, our students have participated in around 40 events. Have a look at the chart in Memorabilia 2022 – page number 138/139. In spite of reasonably good participation in the troubling time, we were not able to get laurels and accolades. Except for FIRST positions by Riddhi Bhatt in Essay Writing and Khushbu Lakhupota in Research Paper Writing competitions, the participation did not yield desired result. Apart from this sorry state of affairs, even use of library substantially reduced during this year. Normally, all students have their library card and keep on visiting library occasionally to exchange books. This time, several students did not open an account with University Central Library. To add to this sorry state of affairs, several students’ committees remained ineffective or inactive. This is a great lesson to remembered. This is an example of why education is not only completing syllabus. When the students are not able to have physical gatherings in an academic institute, there are innumerable life-skills which are not acquired. Yes, some are genius and they do not require such training or orientation. Nevertheless, we need to build an environment wherein all these life-skills are acquired without much effort. We are unhappy to see that many talented students are passing out without brushing up their talent, many committee leaders are passing out without learning leadership skills, many are passing out without getting the finishing fine touch of our Department of English.

It is not to be concluded that all was dark and dull. We have seen amazing participation from Kishan, Latta, and Sneha in various events. Apart from Daya, Nidhi & Riddhi, Latta & Khushboo have displayed an amazing development in their performances from first to the last semester. Chandani, Sneha, Jignesh, Bhavyang, Pina & Aditi were also very good and performed as expected. Hiral and Nandita are talented but somehow, they were not able explore their potential during the studies. Bhumika, Anjali & Stuti are also good in several things but were not able to perform as per their capacities. You all have incredible spart within yourself. Had there been no corona pandemic, we would surely have been able to fire it and see the sparkles that you all are capable of.

With a sense of pastness, we are all supposed to look forward towards future. Bygone is bygone. No one can amend the past. But future is still in our hand, in our control. From the pandemic year we learn to be ready for whatsoever befall on us. Without giving an iota of doubt or an inch of hesitation, we shall be ready to live life it all its fullest capacity.

On behalf of Department of English, MKBU, I wish you all a great future.

Let yourself metamorphose into something so beautiful that we feel proud to say that ‘s/he is our student’.                                                   ~ Dilip Barad 

Monday 20 September 2021

Education and Technology in NEP 2020

 Education and Technology in NEP 2020

Video Recording of the Session:

NEP: Education and Technology: MKBU

Video Recording of the Session:

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Demographic Survey of Students of English Department MKBU

 Demographic Survey of Students of Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

The following links are about the demographic survey of the students studying in Masters of Arts programme in Department of English, MKBU.

For comparative analysis, refer to this report of Ashoka University:

Thursday 31 December 2020


 Online Faculty Development Programme of Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

15 - 21 June 2020

Monday 11 May 2020

Understanding Online Teaching

Live Interaction on 'Understanding Online Teaching'

Questions by Interviewers:

1.    How do you see online teaching in the time of covid19 / corona virus pandemic?
a.    Poll (for audience): Will covid19 make online education an integral part of traditional education system? (White Baord)
                                          i.    Yes, it will.
                                         ii.    No, it is just a phase. We will come back to our traditional as soon as it is over.
b.    Poll: Will covid19 prove to be the last nail in the coffin in which teacher will be buried forever and technology will take over / replace teacher? (the only source of information; the fountain head, sage on the stage – crowd sourcing, rivulets flowing, guide by the side/in the pocket/
                                          i.    No, it is just a phase. We will come back to our traditional as soon as it is over.
                                         ii.    Yes, those who are adamant to adopt to technology will be buried and replaced by technology
                                        iii.    Yes and No. Teacher as a human intervention will remain but the role of the teacher will no longer remain as it was. Sage on the stage vs Guide by the Side (virtually)
2.    As you said that the critics of online education have also emerged. On what grounds are they making critique of online education?
a.    Do you agree with the critics of the online teaching in this epidemic?
                                          i.    Yes. I like the idea of ‘Maslow before Bloom’.
                                         ii.    No. It is good opportunity and it shall be grabbed.
3.    What according to you shall be the ‘model’ for ‘Online Teaching’? And what is the importance of ‘digital platform’ in this model?
a.    Do you agree that most of the teachers do not have a ‘model’ in the mind for online teaching?
                                          i.    No. They have a model.
                                         ii.    Yes. They do not have model of online teaching and they are just replicating traditional f2f on zoom platform
4.    In a recent TV debate, Anant Agarwal, CEO, edX, Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Coursera and Prin. Rekha Krishna, Vasant Valley School – there were some hope as well as apprehensions. What’s your opinion about this debate? (kids – let them play – grown-up, study – in blended mode – core knowledge vs skills) (Show in whiteboard)
a.    Do you agree that we should have separate ‘online education policies’ for schools and colleges?
                                          i.    Yes
                                         ii.    No
5.    You talked about ‘Model’ and ‘Platform’. How about the role of ‘teacher’ in ‘Online Teaching’? Isn’t teacher becoming more of a ‘material developer’? If so, how are teachers going to groom themselves into this new role and new demands?
a.    Do you agree that the teachers shall be more of ‘constructivist’ rather than ‘behaviouristic’ in online education system?
                                          i.    No. I think it is okay to be behaviouristic even in online teaching
                                         ii.    Yes. I think this is very important. Maybe we are failing because this difference in not understood properly.
6.    You mentioned ‘instructional design’. May you please throw more light on it?
a.    Is it necessary to understand ‘instructional design models’ to prepare better modules for online teaching?
                                          i.    No.
                                         ii.    Yes. This will improve the quality and effectiveness of online teaching.
7.    I have read some articles on ERT. what is ERT?
a.    Do you think that most of us are doing online is ERT rather than well-planned online teaching?
                                          i.    No.         ii. Yes.

Watch live interaction

The Presentation

Understanding Online Teaching from Dilip Barad

Some parts of this discussion was shared on Facebook:

#OnlineTeaching #बहस #ચર્ચા #debate #Corona #Covid19
कोरोना महामारी के मंथन नें एक ओर बहस को छिड़ दिया है।
Technology for teaching.
जो लोग अब तक शैक्षणिक कार्य मे खास करके पढ़ाने (teaching) के कार्य मे technology को दूर से ही सलाम कर देते थे और इंगिनत बहाने बनाते थे उनमे से बहुत सारे अब डिजिटल प्लेटफार्म पर परफॉर्म करने लगे है।
बहुत सारे शिक्षक और विद्यार्थी खुश नही है। दिक्कते बहुत आती है। अभी ठीक से एडजस्ट नही हो पा रहे। टेक्नोलॉजी को अडॉप्ट करने में वक्त लगता है।
इस महामारी में शैक्षणिक संस्थाओं और शिक्षकों एवं विद्यार्थियों ने आपातकालीन रूप में अभी पढ़ना-पढ़ाना शूरु कर दिया है।
बहुत सारो के लिए यह पहला कदम है।
जो लोग टेक्नोलॉजी को पढ़ाई का अभिन्न अंग बनाना चाहते थे उनलोगों के लिए तो जैसे स्वर्णयुग के प्रवेशद्वार पे खड़े होने की ख़ुशी हो रही होंगी।
खैर, हम वापिस उस डिबेट पे आते है। क्या टेक्नोलॉजी टीचर को रिप्लेस कर पाएगी? एक महत्व का मुद्दा शिक्षकों की फ़ेवर में यह था कि 'पर्सनल टच' से, रूबरू हाज़िर होने से, शिक्षक एक अतिमहत्व का रोल अदा कर शकते है। पर अब जब सब शिक्षकों 'देह से दूरी' - physical distancing - social distancing को फॉलो करते हुए डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म से पढ़ाते है तब वो टूटने लगता है।
फिर भी हम सोच सकते है कि पोस्ट-कोरोना काल मे टेक्नोलॉजी किस तरह से एजुकेशन सिस्टम में बदलाव ला सकती है।
कमेंट में जो लिंक दी गयी है उसकी कमैंट्स पढ़ने जैसी है।

2. #OnlineTeaching #बहस #ચર્ચા #Debate #Corona #Covid19
यह अच्छी बात है कि बहोत सारे स्कूल और कॉलेज / यूनिवर्सिटी के शिक्षकों ने ऑनलाइन टीचिंग शुरू कर दिया है।
इसके साथ ही इस प्रवृत्ति के आलोचक भी उभर के आये है।
सबसे बड़ी आलोचना यह है कि बहुत कम शिक्षक पढ़ाने ने सही मायने और उद्देश्य के अनुसार पढ़ाते है। ज़्यादातर social media के लिए पढ़ाते है ऐसा महसूस होता है।
यह आलोचना हमे सोचने पर मजबूर करती है। हम ऐसा कर सकते है कि कुछ चेक लिस्ट तैयार करके रखे। देखें कि इस चेकलिस्ट में हमे कितने पॉइन्ट मिलते है।
क्या सिलेबस पढ़ाना बाकी रह गया है? गुजरात के बहुत सारी कॉलेजेस और स्कूल्स में अभ्यासक्रम पढ़ाना पूरा हो गया था। और इम्तेहान का वक़्त था या रीडिंग टाइम था। इस पॉइंट पे ऑनलाइन टीचिंग की आवश्यकता बहुत कम है। हा, अगर स्टूडेंट्स को 'प्रोब्लेम्स' है तो प्रॉब्लम सॉल्विंग के classes ऑनलाइन लिए जा सकते है।
स्कूल्स में , वर्ग 1 से 8 तक ,जब सब को बिना परीक्षा mass प्रोमोशन से पास कर दिया गया है, तब उनके classes को कोई आवश्यकता नही है। इनके classes को तो सरकार ने बंद ही करवा देने चाहिए। हा, अगर इन बच्चों को , आर्ट, क्राफ्ट, योग, खेलकूद जैसी प्रवृति के ऑनलाइन वर्ग चल रहे है तो ठीक है।
वर्ग 10 या 12 या कंपीटिटिव परीक्षा के वर्ग बेहद जरूर है। यह होने चाहिए।
जो कोई ऑनलाइन पढ़ाता है उनको अपना अनुभव सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करना चाहिए। स्टूडेंट्स को भी कहना चाहिये कि अनुभव शेयर करे। मैंने बहुत सारे विद्यार्थी ओ को ऑनलाइन टीचिंग से दुखी देखे है। पूरे विश्व मे ऐसा ही है।
सिर्फ सोशल मीडिया के लिए ऑनलाइन पढ़ाना नही है पर जो पढ़ाया है, जो सीखा है वो सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर जरूर करना है।

3. #OnlineTeaching #Platform #How #बहस #ચર્ચા #Debate #Corona #Covid19
जब शैक्षणिक संस्था या शिक्षक ने यह तय कर लिया है कि ऑनलाइन पढ़ाना जरूरी है। इतना समय हम बर्बाद नही कर सकते। यह समय, अगर कोरोना lockdown ना होता तो, हमारे classes फुल टाइम चलते होते। इस समय अगर पढ़ाया नही तो बहुत देर हो जाएगी। स्टूडेंट्स को बहुत बड़ा खामियाजा भुगतना पड़ेगा।
तो . . .
अब प्रश्न आता है ~ कहाँ पर पढ़ाये? कैसे पढ़ाये?
कहाँ' का उत्तर है - डिजिटल प्लेटफार्म।
बहुत लोकप्रिय प्लेटफार्म रहा। लेकिन कोई भी जो ऑनलाइन एजुकेशन से जुड़े है वो कहेंगे कि Zoom प्लेटफार्म काफी नही है।
हम पढ़ाते क्यू है?
हम पढ़ाते इसलिए है कि कुछ कॉन्सेप्ट्स स्टूडेंट्स की समझ मे आये। सिर्फ रूबरू होने से कॉन्सेप्ट्स की समझ नही होती। शिक्षक और विद्यार्थी के रूबरू होने से यह नही होता। क्या होना चाहिए . . . ? यहां हम 'कैसे' का उत्तर भी देखेंगे. . .
पहले विद्यार्थियों को एडवांस में कुछ कॉन्टेंट पढ़ने या देखने या सुनने हेतु शेयर करना आवश्यक है। विद्यार्थी से अपेक्षित है कि ऑनलाइन रूबरू होने से पहले वो कॉन्टेंट पढ़ कर तैयार हो कर आये।
ऑनलाइन सेशन में शिक्षक के साथ चर्चा हो। विद्यार्थी प्रश्नं पूछे, शिक्षक समजाते जाए। अगर कोई पूछता नही तो शिक्षक खुद प्रश्न खड़े करे, विद्यार्थी को मौका दे उत्तर देने का, और फिर समजाये।
ऑनलाइन सेशन के बाद स्टूडेंट्स को ऑनलाइन टेस्ट में appear होना अति आवश्यक होना चाहिए। टेस्ट ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप होनी चाहिए ताकि रिजल्ट तुरंत मिल जाये, सही उत्तर के साथ।
दूसरे ऑनलाइन सेशन की शुरूआत में शिक्षक इस रिजल्ट की चर्चा करेंगे और फिर आगे बढ़ेंगे।
तो हम देख सकते है कि Zoom या गूगल मीट या और कपि भी वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग प्लेटफार्म हमे यह सब कुछ नही देगा।
इसलिए हमें एक ऐसा ऑनलाइन प्लेटफार्म चाहिए जहां पर सब कॉन्टेंट पहले से अपलोड किया गया हो.
अब कॉन्टेंट मतलब क्या?
कॉन्टेंट या डिजिटल कॉन्टेंट केलिए 4 quadrant का स्ट्रक्चर ऐसा हो सकता है:
1. Textual Content (PDF
या PPT में हो सकता है)
2. Vidoe Resources
3. Online MCQ type test / questions for descriptive answers / Points to Ponder / Thinking Activities / Case Studies etc
4. Additional Resources
येह सब कुछ वेबसाइट पे या मोबाइल एप्प में या ब्लॉग पर पहले से उपलब्ध होना चाहिए।
पहले 2 मुद्दे, teacher से ऑनलाइन रूबरू होने से पहले स्टूडेंट्स ने देख लिए है, पढ़ लिए है। अपनी नोट्स और प्रश्न के साथ वो शिक्षक से रूबरू होने को तैयार है।
बाकी के 2 मुद्दे, रूबरू हो जाने के बाद के है।
तो जब हम ऑनलाइन टीचिंग के पूरे सर्कल को देखे तो हमे पता चले कि या तो Moodle जैसा पावरफुल 'लर्निंग मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम' चाहिए या फिर :
वेबसाइट / ब्लॉग / अप्प
2. YouTube
3. Google Quiz Form
जैसे ऑनलाइन टेस्टिंग टूल
कमसे कम तीन प्लेटफार्म चाहिए।
हम देख सकते है कि ऑनलाइन टीचिंग में रूबरू होना 20% ही महत्व का है। 80% लर्निंग महत्व का है।
जब तक हम इस साईकल का नही समजेंगे और हमारे स्टूडेंट्स को नही समाज पाएंगे, तब तक ऑनलाइन एजुकेशन की सफलता अशक्य है।
कोरोना महामारी खत्म होते ही वापिस सब अपने पुराने घोंसले में सुकून फरमाते नज़र आएंगे।
Let us take this epidemic as an opportunity to reform education system. Let us not miss this opportunity. Let us learn a better way to utilize our time and available resources. Let us not mismanage it in such a way that people get an opportunity to say that 'it does not work'.

Rahul Kanwal invites Anant Agarwal, CEO, edX, Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Course ra and Prin. Rekha Krishna, Vasant Valley School to discuss online teaching in the time of corona epidemic lockdown.
In this video, as usual, we find school teachers insisting on the importance of face to face classroom over virtual platforms.
Whereas, both executive officers of Coursera and edX were of different opinion.
There is 800 to 1100% rise in course takers on these two popular MOOC platforms.
edX had 1000% rise in traffic from India.
Coursera had 800 rise in traffic from India.
Two important points we can take home from this discussion:
1. Primary schools shall have less of online integration and more of face-2-face classroom environment. For the best of what we expect our children to learn like being social being, learn skills, acquire life skills, learn that livelihood is imp but life is beautiful ~ for these we shall have more classes outside the classroom, because we can learn these wishing four walls of classroom. We need more classes on drawing, sports, dance, music etc.
2. Higher Education shall 
#Blend online along with f2f classes. More and more number of students of colleges and universities shall learn from online platforms.
3. For being lifelong learners, for acquiring skills, for professional development ~ we need to expose our students to the potential of learning from anywhere, anytime . . . the earlier, the better.

5. #OnlineTeaching #Teacher or #MaterialDeveloper #बहस #ચર્ચા #Debate #Corona #Covid19
#Constructivist #Behavioristic #General_Classroom #Technology_Enabled_Learning_Environment
In online teaching, #teacher is no longer a mere teacher. He is more of a material developer and instruction designer (may be without knowing what it is to be so and how is it different from being a teacher... And that's why when rhetorical question is asked about 'will technology replace teacher?' , 
the initial, extempore response is 'blunt denial')
There are fundamental differences in traditional classroom and technology integrated learning environment. One works on the model of #behaviorism as pioneered by Edward Thorndike, devised by John Watson and experimented by B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov. The other on the model of #constructivism as pioneered by Jean Piaget and strengthened by perspectives of Lev Vygotsky, Mikhail Bakhtin, Jena Lave and Etienne Wenger.
The constructive design helps Lerner in developing multiple perspectives, engages in knowledge construction and reflective practices, offers open learning environments and supports collaboration.
In this learning environment, the role of 
#teacher, the way we know, gets transferred to one as #Material_Developer. The formative experience of teacher is replaced by collective experiences of material developers; teacher's training experience with that of ideas of models of instructions and teacher properties (personality, attitude etc) with that of technical affordance of the programme (user-friendliness).
(Source: Ken Beaty's Teaching and Researching Computer-Assisted Language Learning.)