Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Introduction to Research Methodology
Introduction to Research Methodology
Points covered in this session are:
- Research Attitude & Aptitude
- Research Method & Methodology
- Review of Related Literature – The Backbone of Research
- Deciding on a Research Topic
- Turning a Topic into an Argument
- Research and Publication Ethics
Presentation with embedded Videos on Literature Review:
Video Recording of the Session with the students of Auro University:
Monday, 20 September 2021
Education and Technology in NEP 2020
Education and Technology in NEP 2020
Video Recording of the Session:
NEP: Education and Technology: MKBU
Video Recording of the Session:
ICT for Research in Humanities
ICT / Digital Technologies for Research in Humanities
Highlights of the talk:
Video Recording of the session:
Saturday, 18 September 2021
Pedagogical Shift from Text to Hypertext: Language & Literature to the Digital Natives
A #Pedagogical Shift from Text to #Hypertext:
Language & Literature to the Digital Natives
Leadership and Communication: eFDP - Mainpuri - UP
Leadership and Communication:
Understanding Language
dilip barad |
Sunday, 12 September 2021
Marxist Criticism
Marxist Criticism
Marxist criticism, in its diverse forms, grounds its theory and practice on the economic and cultural theory of Karl Marx (1818–83) and his fellow-thinker Friedrich Engels (1820–95), and especially on the following claims:
1. In the Marxist literary analysis, the evolving history of humankind, of its social groupings and interrelations, of its institutions, and of its ways of thinking are largely determined by the changing mode of its “material production”— that is, of its overall economic organization for producing and distributing material goods.
2. Changes in the fundamental mode of material production effect changes in the class structure of a society, establishing in each era dominant and subordinate classes that engage in a struggle for economic, political, and social advantage.
3. Human consciousness is constituted by an ideology—that is, the beliefs, values, and ways of thinking and feeling through which human beings perceive, and by recourse to which they explain, what they take to be reality. An ideology is, in complex ways, the product of the position and interests of a particular class. In any historical era, the dominant ideology embodies, and serves to legitimize and perpetuate, the interests of the dominant economic and social class (Abram, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms)
Click here to read about the contribution of following Marxist thinkers in the Marxist criticism:
- Hungarian thinker Georg Lukács
- Frankfurt School of German Marxists, especially Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
- German Marxists, Bertolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin
- French Marxist Louis Althusser
- Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci
- a leader of the British Cultural Studies movement, Stuart Hall
- Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe
- Raymond Williams
- Terry Eagleton
- American theorist, Fredric Jameson
What Marxist critics do
1. They make a division between the 'overt' (manifest or surface) and 'covert' (latent or hidden) content of a literary work (much as psychoanalytic critics do) and then relate the covert subject matter of the literary work to basic Marxist themes, such as class struggle, or the progression of society through various historical stages, such as, the transition from feudalism to industrial capitalism. Thus, the conflicts in King Lear might be read as being 'really' about the conflict of class interest between the rising class (the bourgeoisie) and the falling class (the feudal overlords).
2. Another method used by Marxist critics is to relate the context of a work to the social-class status of the author. In such cases an assumption is made (which again is similar to those made by psychoanalytic critics) that the author is unaware of precisely what he or she is saying or revealing in the text.
3. A third Marxist method is to explain the nature of a whole literary genre in terms of the social period which 'produced' it. For instance, The Rise of the Novel, by Ian Watt, relates the growth of the novel in the eighteenth century to the expansion of the middle classes during that period. The novel 'speaks' for this social class, just as, for instance, Tragedy 'speaks for' the monarchy and the nobility, and the Ballad 'speaks for' for the rural and semi-urban 'working class'.
4. A fourth Marxist practice is to relate the literary work to the social assumptions of the time in which it is 'consumed', a strategy which is used particularly in the later variant of Marxist criticism known as cultural materialism.
5. A fifth Marxist practice is the 'politicisation of literary form', that is, the claim that literary forms are themselves determined by political circumstance. For instance, in the view of some critics, literary realism carries with it an implicit validation of conservative social structures: for others, the formal and metrical intricacies of the sonnet and the iambic pentameter are a counterpart of social stability, decorum, and order. (Berry, Peter. Beginning Theory)
Film Studies: An Introduction
An Introduction to Film Studies
Explore these links for further study
- 1History
- 2Approaches to film studies
- 3Modern film studies
- 4Prominent scholars
- 5Academic journals
- 6See also
- 7References
- 8Further reading
- 9External link
Major Idea Major Terms Summary and Analysis (Click here to read this document)
- Dan Harmon Story Structure
- Kuleshov Effect: The Kuleshov effect is a film editing (montage) effect demonstrated by Russian film-maker Lev Kuleshov in the 1910s and 1920s. It is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation. It is a cognitive event in which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation.
- Study of Frames / Slates
- Study of Frames and Clips (Rockstar, Jallikattu, Masaan, Dear Zindagi, Gullyboy, Sky in Pink)
For more examples - visit this website

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